Chapter 5. Peritonectomy procedures (+/- visceral resection)
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VIDEOS 5: Peritonectomy procedures (+/- visceral resection)
Description “original” (Sugarbaker)

Parietal Peritonectomies:

5.1: Partial Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy
5.2: Total Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy
5.3: Xiphoidectomy and Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy and visceral resection (I)
5.4: Xiphoidectomy and Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy (II)
5.5: Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy associated with resection of tumor in the umbilical ligament (I)
5.6: Tumor resection in umbilical ligament (II)
5.7: Tumor resection in umbilical ligament (III)
5.8: Division of the Pont Hepatique
5.9: Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy associated with resection of the surgical scar

Video 5.1: Partial Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy  

Video 5.2: Total Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy

Video 5.3: Xiphoidectomy and Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy and visceral resection (I)

Video 5.4: Xiphoidectomy and Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy (II)

Video 5.5: Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy associated with resection of tumor in the umbilical ligament (I)

Video 5.6: Tumor resection in umbilical ligament (II)

Video 5.7: Tumor resection in umbilical ligament (III)

Video 5.8: Division of the Pont Hepatique

Video 5.9: Anterior Parietal Peritonectomy associated with resection of the surgical scar

Peritonectomies of the Left Upper Quadrant:

5.10: Left Subphrenic Peritonectomy
5.11: Left Subphrenic Peritonectomy associated with Omentectomy (residual) and Splenectomy
5.12: Left Subphrenic Peritonectomy Associated with Complete Major Omentectomy and Splenectomy

Video 5.10: Left Subphrenic Peritonectomy

Video 5.11: Left Subphrenic Peritonectomy associated with Omentectomy (residual) and Splenectomy

Video 5.12: Left Subphrenic Peritonectomy Associated with Complete Major Omentectomy and Splenectomy

Peritonectomies of the Right Upper Quadrant:

5.13: Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy (I)
5.14: Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy (II)
5.15: Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy (III)
5.16: Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy associated with resection of tumor in Glisson’s capsule (I)
5.17: Right subphrenic peritonectomy associated with tumor resection in Glisson’s capsule (II)
5.18: Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy associated with resection of tumor in Glisson’s capsule (III)
5.19: Partial Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy associated with partial resection of the diaphragm
5.20: Partial Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy associated with diaphragmatic and liver parenchyma resection
5.21: Perihepatic tumor resection

Video 5.13: Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy (I)

Video 5.14: Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy (II)

Video 5.15: Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy (III)

Video 5.16: Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy associated with resection of tumor in Glisson’s capsule (I)

Video 5.17: Right subphrenic peritonectomy associated with tumor resection in Glisson’s capsule (II)

Video 5.18: Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy associated with resection of tumor in Glisson’s capsule (III)

Video 5.19: Partial Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy associated with partial resection of the diaphragm

Video 5.20: Partial Right Subphrenic Peritonectomy associated with diaphragmatic and liver parenchyma resection

Video 5.21: Perihepatic tumor resection

Complete Pelvic Peritonectomy:

5.22: Complete Pelvic Peritonectomy without visceral resection
5.23: Cul-de-sac peritonectomy (Cul-de-sacectomy)
5.24: Complete Pelvic Peritonectomy associated with resection of the rectosigmoid colon
5.25: Complete Pelvic Peritonectomy associated with resection of the uterus and adnexa, ileum and right colon
5.26: Omental sac peritonectomy (bursectomy)
5.27: Bursectomy associated with cholecystectomy, resection of the lesser omentum and splenectomy

Video 5.22: Complete Pelvic Peritonectomy without visceral resection

Video 5.23: Cul-de-sac peritonectomy (Cul-de-sacectomy)

Video 5.24: Complete Pelvic Peritonectomy associated with resection of the rectosigmoid colon

Video 5.25: Complete Pelvic Peritonectomy associated with resection of the uterus and adnexa, ileum and right colon

Video 5.26: Omental sac peritonectomy (bursectomy)

Video 5.27: Bursectomy associated with cholecystectomy, resection of the lesser omentum and splenectomy