Chapter 13. CRS+HIPEC in Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP)


VIDEOS 13: CRS+HIPEC in Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP)

CRS+HIPEC in Peritoneal Pseudomyxoma (low grade):

13.1: Low grade PMP (G1). “Typical” clinical presentation
13.2: Low grade PMP (G1). Peritoneal and retroperitoneal involvement
13.3: Low-grade PMP (G1): Presentation as acute abdomen
13.4: Low-grade PMP (G1): voluminous involvement of the inguinal region

Video 13.1: Low grade PMP (G1). “Typical” clinical presentation

Video 13.2: Low grade PMP (G1). Peritoneal and retroperitoneal involvement

Video 13.3: Low-grade PMP (G1): Presentation as acute abdomen

Video 13.4: Low-grade PMP (G1): voluminous involvement of the inguinal region

CRS+HIPEC in Peritoneal Pseudomyxoma (high grade):

13.5: High grade PMP (G2)
13.6: High-grade PMP (G2): voluminous involvement of all regions.

“Two-stage approach”

13.7: High-grade PMP (G2): massive impact on all regions.

“Maximal Tumor Debulking”

13.8: High-grade PMP (G3): signet ring cell histology

Video 13.5: High grade PMP (G2)

Video 13.6: High-grade PMP (G2): voluminous involvement of all regions. “Two-stage approach”

Video 13.7: High-grade PMP (G2): massive impact on all regions. “Maximal Tumor Debulking”

Video 13.8: High-grade PMP (G3): signet ring cell histology