Chapter 10. Pelvic Exenteration associated with CRS+HIPEC


VIDEOS 10: Pelvic Exenteration associated with CRS+HIPEC

Pelvic Exenteration associated with CRS+HIPEC (I):

10.1: Posterior Pelvic Exenteration (I). Monobloc excision of the structures of the lower abdomen and pelvis
10.2: Posterior Pelvic Exenteration (II). Monobloc excision of the structures of the supra- and infracolic abdomen and the pelvis. Exposition of the different types of digestive reconstruction without stoma
10.3: Suprasphincteric Pelvic Exenteration. Colorectal anastomosis without stoma. Bladder replacement with sigma segment
10.4: Suprasphincteric Pelvic Exenteration. Colorectal anastomosis without stoma. Bladder replacement with isolated segment of ileum

Video 10.1: Posterior Pelvic Exenteration (I). Monobloc excision of the structures of the lower abdomen and pelvis

Video 10.2: Posterior Pelvic Exenteration (II). Monobloc excision of the structures of the supra- and infracolic abdomen and the pelvis. Exposition of the different types of digestive reconstruction without stoma

Video 10.3: Suprasphincteric Pelvic Exenteration. Colorectal anastomosis without stoma. Bladder replacement with sigma segment

Video 10.4: Suprasphincteric Pelvic Exenteration. Colorectal anastomosis without stoma. Bladder replacement with isolated segment of ileum

Pelvic Exenteration associated with CRS+HIPEC (II):

10.5: Suprasphincteric Pelvic Exenteration extended to the anterior infrasphincteric compartment. Colorectal anastomosis without stoma. Vaginal replacement with isolated segment of ileum
10.6: Suprasphincteric Pelvic Exenteration without stomas. Colorectal anastomosis. Bladder replacement with the ileocecoappendicular complex
10.7: Posterior Pelvic Exenteration extended to the lateral wall of the pelvis. Vascular prosthesis
10.8: Total Pelvic Exenteration: Repair of the pelvic floor with a myocutaneous flap

Video 10.5: Suprasphincteric Pelvic Exenteration extended to the anterior infrasphincteric compartment. Colorectal anastomosis without stoma. Vaginal replacement with isolated segment of ileum

Video 10.6: Suprasphincteric Pelvic Exenteration without stomas. Colorectal anastomosis. Bladder replacement with the ileocecoappendicular complex

Video 10.7: Posterior Pelvic Exenteration extended to the lateral wall of the pelvis. Vascular prosthesis

Video 10.8: Total Pelvic Exenteration: Repair of the pelvic floor with a myocutaneous flap